According to a recent study, internet users now spend an average of 84 minutes per day watching online videos, a significant increase from just a few years ago. 

This trend is driven by the advantages of video as a medium - its ability to engage audiences emotionally and convey complex information in an easily digestible format, capturing attention in ways that static text cannot.

Given the growing popularity of video, savvy content marketers are looking for ways to make use of their existing written content and transform it into engaging video assets. 72% of customers would rather learn about a product or service by way of video. 

By repurposing blog posts, articles, and other text-based materials, businesses can maximize the value of their content and reach new audiences through the power of video.

This process is made significantly easier through the use of AI-powered tools. 

Advanced text-to-speech technology can convert written copy into natural-sounding voiceovers, while automated video creation platforms provide intelligent templates and layouts to produce professional-looking videos with minimal effort. 

Furthermore, AI-powered video editing capabilities can simplify the production process and optimize the final output for maximum impact.

By repurposing written content into videos using these AI-driven tools, businesses can unlock a host of benefits - from increased reach and visibility to enhanced audience engagement and improved content efficiency. This article will explore these advantages in-depth and provide a step-by-step guide on how to effectively use this strategy as part of a comprehensive content marketing and SEO plan.

The Advantages of Repurposing Written Content into Videos

88% of marketers say that video plays an important role in their marketing strategy. 

As businesses strive to keep pace with the growing demand for video content, repurposing written materials into engaging video assets can yield significant benefits. By using this strategy, organizations can expand their reach, enhance audience engagement, and improve the overall efficiency of their content marketing efforts.

Increased Reach and Visibility

Video has become the preferred medium for many online users, with platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram driving high levels of video consumption. 

By converting articles, blog posts, and other text-based materials into video format, businesses can tap into this large viewership and increase their brand visibility.

Videos are inherently more shareable than static text, allowing them to spread organically across social media and other digital channels. 

Additionally, videos can be optimized for search engine optimization (SEO) through relevant keywords, descriptions, and metadata, driving more organic traffic to a company's online properties.

Enhanced Audience Engagement

Watching a video engages the viewer more effectively than reading static text. 

Videos have the power to capture attention, convey personality, and build stronger connections with the audience. 

By using visuals, animations, and a conversational tone, video content can effectively communicate complex ideas in a way that resonates with the viewer. 

This enhanced engagement can lead to increased brand awareness, higher customer loyalty, and more meaningful interactions between businesses and their target audience.

Improved Content Efficiency

Repurposing written materials, such as blog posts and articles, into video format allows organizations to maximize the value of their existing content. 

Rather than starting from scratch, businesses can use their library of text-based content, converting it into video versions that can be shared across multiple platforms.

This not only saves time and resources but also ensures a single piece of content can reach a wider audience and generate greater returns on the initial investment.

AI Tools for Transforming Text into Video

As the demand for video content continues to grow, businesses are increasingly turning to advanced AI-powered tools to streamline the process of transforming written materials into engaging video assets. 

These innovative solutions, such as those offered by Pipio, offer a range of capabilities that can simplify the production process, enhance the quality of the final output, and enable organizations to reach broader audiences with their messaging.

Text-to-speech Technology

One of the crucial components in the video repurposing workflow is the ability to convert written copy into natural-sounding voiceovers. 

AI-powered text-to-speech technology has made significant advancements, enabling the generation of human-like narration that seamlessly accompanies the visual elements of a video.

These solutions can accurately translate written text into speech, while also offering multilingual capabilities that allow businesses to reach global audiences. 

By automating the voiceover process, organizations can save valuable time and resources that would otherwise be spent on manual voice recording, streamlining the overall video production workflow.

Automated Video Creation Platforms

AI-powered tools have also revolutionized the entire video creation process. 

Automated video creation platforms use intelligent templates and layouts to produce professional-looking videos with minimal effort. 

These solutions often include a library of stock footage, images, and other visual assets that can be easily integrated into the video, along with customization options to ensure the final output aligns with the brand's aesthetic and messaging. 

By automating the video production process, businesses can quickly transform their written content into visually engaging videos, without the need for extensive editing skills or specialized in-house resources.

Best Practices for Repurposing Content into Engaging Videos

While the use of AI-powered tools can greatly simplify the process of transforming written content into video format, there are still several best practices that businesses should follow to ensure the final output is truly engaging and effective.

By tailoring the content for the video medium, optimizing for discoverability and audience engagement, and continuously measuring and iterating based on performance, organizations can maximize the impact of their repurposed video content.

Tailor the Content for the Video Format

When repurposing written materials into video, it's essential to adapt the content to the unique characteristics of the video format. 

Rather than simply reading the text aloud, businesses should identify the key takeaways and present this information visually.

This may involve using visual elements that complement the narration and effectively communicate the message. 

Additionally, adopting a more conversational tone and breaking up the information into digestible chunks can help maintain the viewer's attention and improve the overall viewing experience.

Use ChatGPT to Repurpose Your Content

Repurposing content from one medium to another using AI tools like ChatGPT can be a highly efficient and effective way to maximize the value of your existing content. 

By leveraging the power of AI, you can quickly adapt and transform your content to suit different platforms, audiences, and purposes. 

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use ChatGPT or similar AI tools to repurpose your content:

  • Start by identifying the original content you want to repurpose. This could be a blog post, article, video script, podcast episode, or any other form of content that you believe has value and can be adapted for other mediums.
  • Next, determine the new medium or format you want to convert your content into. Some common examples include transforming a blog post into a video script, turning a podcast episode into a written article, or converting a long-form article into a series of social media posts.
  • Once you have identified the original content and the desired new format, input the original content into ChatGPT or your chosen AI tool. Provide clear instructions on the desired output format and any specific requirements or guidelines you want the AI to follow.
  • ChatGPT will analyze your original content and generate a new version adapted to the specified medium. For example, if you input a blog post and ask for a video script, the AI will restructure the content, add visual cues and transitions, and optimize the language for a video format.

Here is an example of how you could repurpose your content into other forms of content:

  • Review the AI-generated content carefully to ensure it maintains the core message and intent of the original piece. Make any necessary edits or adjustments to refine the output and align it with your brand voice and style guidelines.
  • Depending on the new medium, you may need to make further tweaks or enhancements to the AI-generated content. For instance, if you're creating a video, you'll need to record the voiceover, add visuals and graphics, and edit the final product. If you're crafting social media posts, you may need to add images, hashtags, and calls-to-action.
  • Once you have finalized the repurposed content, publish and distribute it through the appropriate channels. Monitor the performance and engagement of the new content to assess its impact and effectiveness.

By using AI tools like ChatGPT to repurpose your content, you can save significant time and effort compared to manually adapting content for different mediums. This approach allows you to extend the reach and impact of your content, engage new audiences, and maximize the value of your content creation efforts.

However, it's important to remember that while AI can be a powerful tool for repurposing content, it's not a complete replacement for human creativity and judgment. Always review and refine the AI-generated content to ensure it aligns with your brand voice, meets your quality standards, and effectively communicates your intended message.

By combining the efficiency of AI-powered content repurposing with human oversight and refinement, you can create a streamlined and effective content creation process that helps you get the most out of your existing content assets.

Here is a simple prompt that you can use to take an existing piece of content and create different types of content: 

This post did really well on social media:
{The post}
Write 5 new versions that are similar but have a different angle or format.
Don't just paraphrase it. Write something brand new into the following formats: 
[specify ideal content types]

Optimize for Discoverability and Engagement

In the crowded digital space, ensuring repurposed video content is easily discoverable and optimized for audience engagement is crucial. Incorporating relevant keywords and metadata tags can improve the video's search engine optimization (SEO), making it more likely to appear in relevant queries and drive organic traffic to the business's online channels.

Furthermore, crafting compelling titles can encourage potential viewers to engage with the content. 

Businesses should also consider using interactive elements, such as captions, on-screen graphics, and clear calls-to-action, to enhance the viewer's experience and encourage deeper engagement with the brand.

Measure and Iterate for Better Performance

The success of a repurposed video content strategy will depend on the ability to track and analyze its performance. 

By monitoring metrics like views, engagement rates, and conversions, businesses can gain insights into what resonates with their target audience and identify areas for improvement.

Armed with this data, organizations can refine their content and production processes, experimenting with different approaches and continuously optimizing the videos to deliver greater impact over time. 

This iterative, data-driven approach is essential for maximizing the return on investment and ensuring the repurposed video content continues to drive valuable results.

Unleash the Potential of Repurposed Video Content with Pipio

Throughout this article, we've examined the benefits of repurposing written content into engaging video format. 

By transforming blog posts, articles, and other text-based materials into visually appealing videos, businesses can expand their reach, enhance audience engagement, and maximize the efficiency of their content marketing efforts. 

The key to unlocking this opportunity lies in using AI-powered tools, such as those offered by Pipio. 

Pipio's advanced text-to-speech technology seamlessly converts written copy into natural-sounding voiceovers, while the platform's automated video creation features provide templates and layouts to produce professional-looking videos with minimal effort. 

Don't let your valuable content assets go to waste - unlock their full potential with Pipio and watch your business thrive.

Turn text to video,
in minutes
