Pick the perfect voice for your project from our extensive collection, spanning a wide range of styles and languages. Our advanced AI ensures remarkably natural-sounding audio, complete with realistic intonation, inflection, and emotional depth.
Need something more custom?
Simply get started with one of our avatars that represent a diverse range of ethnicities, ages, and styles or create your own with our express or studio options.
Create custom avatarA game-changer for content creation
Sign up for free and start creating videos with your own digital actors. Start with our free plan and enjoy 3 minutes of free video or upgrade to our Premium plan for $16/month.
Get started for free
Real stories.
Real impact.
Discover the power of Pipio’s AI videos with the success stories of our leading customers.
"Tried the new dubbing feature, and I am BLOWNAWAY. Absolutely stunning output. Kudos to the founder and his team. Pipio is miles ahead of its competition with its exceptionally accurate lip sync capabilities."
"This is the app that I have been looking for. I almost signed up for Hey Gen, but I wanted to give this app a try and it works beautifully."
"This has continued to evolve and now has API access, a growing selection of actors and the bugs I had experienced before seem to be fixed now. I am very pleased with this one!"
"I jumped on this because it's got 3 days left and I had fomo. I've gone through the avatars and voices and this is amazing! They've done the best job on avatars I've ever seen and heard."
"Best lip sync out there, just it missing the speech rate"
"Really really loved this app and the price point for the custom avatar seemed fair to top competitor"
"I have made several videos, the program has several good actors, if they can add more actors that are more expressive when talking it would make the app even better."
"Tried the new dubbing feature, and I am BLOWNAWAY. Absolutely stunning output. Kudos to the founder and his team. Pipio is miles ahead of its competition with its exceptionally accurate lip sync capabilities."
"This is the app that I have been looking for. I almost signed up for Hey Gen, but I wanted to give this app a try and it works beautifully."
"This has continued to evolve and now has API access, a growing selection of actors and the bugs I had experienced before seem to be fixed now. I am very pleased with this one!"
"I jumped on this because it's got 3 days left and I had fomo. I've gone through the avatars and voices and this is amazing! They've done the best job on avatars I've ever seen and heard."
"Best lip sync out there, just it missing the speech rate"
"Really really loved this app and the price point for the custom avatar seemed fair to top competitor"
"I have made several videos, the program has several good actors, if they can add more actors that are more expressive when talking it would make the app even better."
"By now I've seen quite a lot of these text-to-avatar ai, and Pipio is probably the best I've come across so far in terms of clarity, voice quality, lip syncing and realism"
"Purchased Pipio and started using it. I love this software. I like its UI and simplicity to use it. Output of the videos is outstanding. If you create videos then this tool is must... highly recommended"
"Out of all the AI Avatar systems I have tried Pipio is the only one that delivers content that stands up to any real scrutiny. The lip syncing is second to none. I'm so excited to see how the platform will continue to develop”
"I am so impressed with Pipio! I wish I had time to purchase the other 2 tiers before it was gone but I had so much going on I lost track of the expiring time that was given. But it's okay at least I can purchase more on my own. But this is one of the top avatar software I have ever used."
The primary challenge of a text-to-video platform is to look less "AI generated" as possible., and this is where Pipio easily outshines the previous LTDs in this category.
I've purchased many similar tools and honestly, this one looks promising. If I can compare it to others Pipio has better avatar quality, voice syncing is pretty good as well, enough credits for us
"Pipio is one for the future for sure. It's potential is massive. The output now is amazing, but when gestures and controls like pausing come along it really could be a major player in this market"
"By now I've seen quite a lot of these text-to-avatar ai, and Pipio is probably the best I've come across so far in terms of clarity, voice quality, lip syncing and realism"
"Purchased Pipio and started using it. I love this software. I like its UI and simplicity to use it. Output of the videos is outstanding. If you create videos then this tool is must... highly recommended"
"Out of all the AI Avatar systems I have tried Pipio is the only one that delivers content that stands up to any real scrutiny. The lip syncing is second to none. I'm so excited to see how the platform will continue to develop”
"I am so impressed with Pipio! I wish I had time to purchase the other 2 tiers before it was gone but I had so much going on I lost track of the expiring time that was given. But it's okay at least I can purchase more on my own. But this is one of the top avatar software I have ever used."
The primary challenge of a text-to-video platform is to look less "AI generated" as possible., and this is where Pipio easily outshines the previous LTDs in this category.
I've purchased many similar tools and honestly, this one looks promising. If I can compare it to others Pipio has better avatar quality, voice syncing is pretty good as well, enough credits for us
"Pipio is one for the future for sure. It's potential is massive. The output now is amazing, but when gestures and controls like pausing come along it really could be a major player in this market"
Your most burning questions in one place
How do the voices work?
Pipio uses a technology called text-to-speech to read your typed text aloud. With Pipio you can then go one step further by matching an AI avatar’s face to that voice, to enjoy both hearing and seeing your text come to life.
Can I clone my own voice?
Voice cloning enables you to use Pipio’s text-to-speech functionality with your own voice. Voice cloning is an optional add-on for users who choose to create a custom avatar. To learn more about creating a custom avatar please head to our AI avatar page.
Is my language available or coming soon?
With over 40+ stock languages we already cater for a diverse range of cultures. However, we’re constantly looking to expand our range. So, if your language is not yet available, it is likely to be added soon.